Butterfly Zoo and MiniGolf open daily from 10 am, 4 pm last entry
Maze reopens for Easter holidays
If your enquiry is about one of the following, just click the link…
Availability, quotations, and all booking services are provided by our online Appointment Booking system (not by telephone, email, fax, social media or post).
Expert help is provided by our Customer Support staff through our FAQ and Support Forum.
Wye Valley Visitor Centre
Symonds Yat West
Herefordshire HR9 6DA
01600 890 360 Shop
07869 301 024 Izzy’s Cafe
0330 555 4444 ParkingEye
0330 400 7275 PaybyPhone (cite location number 800672)
If we take a while to answer or we have to put you on hold, please bear with us - our Reception staff serve arrivals and other customers.