Butterfly Zoo and MiniGolf open daily from 10 am, 4 pm last entry
Maze reopens for Easter holidays
Service Dogs are welcome in all public access areas and enclosures when working and in an identifying harness. Service Dogs having entitlement to access to public spaces under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) are limited to:
The DDA does not entitle access for Therapy Dogs. Not all disabilities are obvious, so Service Dog users and trainers should expect to show proof of entitlement for their Service Dog to be admitted.
Please don’t bring any pet with you if you can make other arrangements. Our attractions are used as safe spaces by people whose anxiety is triggered by dogs. Well-behaved dogs on leads are welcome in our shops, picnic areas and in the Picnic Refuge, but the Butterfly Zoo, Maze, Miniature Golf and Laser Ops enclosures and the Cafe are not for pets. You can’t take them in or leave them unattended, and it is not for our staff to take on your duty of care.
The RSPCA has asked us to remind dog owners that pets suffer on long journeys, and can die from heat stroke in parked cars. We care passionately about animals and call Animal Welfare Officers to rescue animals left unattended or in parked cars.
Report dogs in danger to the RSPCA 24-hour Cruelty Line:
0300 1234 999